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League of Women Voters of Geauga
HomeIssue 1 Criteria

Map Making Criteria

  • Provide that each redistricting plan contain single-member districts that are geographically congruent, that comply with federal law, and that preserve communities of interest;

  • Define communities of interest as communities of people with broadly shared interests and representational needs, including counties, municipal corporations, townships, and school districts;

  • Ban partisan gerrymandering and the adoption of plans that favor or disfavor a political party by requiring that the statewide proportion of districts in a redistricting plan that favors each political party shall correspond closely to statewide partisan preferences of Ohio voters;

  • Provide that no redistricting plan shall be drawn with consideration of the place of residence of any incumbent elected official or any candidate for state or congressional office;

League of Women Voters of Geauga