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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps



Commissioners Approve Withdrawing from Portage-Geauga Juvenile Detention Center

 and Authorize Agreement with Lake County Juvenile Division

Board of County Commissioners - September 5, 2024

Meeting Details:
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met at 10:00 am on Thursday, September 5, 2024 at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH  The meetings are in-person only, and there are no recordings for the public.  An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners’ Clerk and at the meeting.

Public Comment Policy:
Observer Comment: Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri announced at the end of the April 4, 2023 meeting that public comment would be permitted and that a more formal policy would be forthcoming.  There was no formal policy introduced today, but public comment was permitted. 

Present were Commissioners Ralph Spidalieri, James Dvorak, and Timothy Lennon.  Also present were County Administrator Gerry Morgan, Assistant County Administrator Linda Burhenne, Finance Manager Adrian Gorton, and Commissioners' Clerk Christine Blair. 

County Representatives:
Matt Sieracki, Contract Coordinator, Maintenance; Glen Vernick, Director, Maintenance Department; Kelly Bidlack, BOCC Human Resources Specialist; Nick Gorris, Director, Water Resources, and James Flaiz, Prosecutor. 

Others in Attendance:
  Adam Litke, Geauga Public Health Administrator; Carolyn Brakey, Geauga Public Health Board member and County Commissioner candidate; Pam McMahan, Fiscal Office Manager, Auditor’s Office;  Kathleen Hostutler, Human Resources Manager. There were several members of the public, the press and this observer as well as two interns from the Juvenile and Probate Court.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a prayer was offered by Mr. Dvorak. 

inutes: No minutes were submitted for approval.  Observer Comment: Weekly LWVG Observer Reports for BOCC are available online through September 5, 2024, for informational purposes but are not substitutes for approved minutes.  Approved BOCC Minutes are posted online here through May 21, 2024.

Administrator’s Report:
Mr. Morgan reported on the following actions he took in accordance with Ohio law:

Approved the following:

  • Hiring in the Maintenance Department for a Senior Maintenance Technician

  • Agreement with Chagrin Falls not to require a hearing on a liquor license for the GetGo in Tanglewood, Chagrin Falls.

Financial Report: Mr. Gorton received approval for the following:

  • Appropriation transfer from Department of Aging to their Equipment Fund for the purchase of a medical transport van

  • Travel for the following offices:  Engineers, Job and Family Services and Veterans

  • Then and Now in Water Resources for Mission Communications LLC for sewer and water monitoring that was not previously billed.


  • $98,036.59 to Infinity Construction for payment #11 for the expanded Courthouse project

  • $138,700 from the Engineers Department to Kalida Trucking for a dump truck

  • $64,170 from the Engineers Department to Ohio Water Development for stream remediation credits for Butternut Road

The Commissioners’ Office received approval to execute the Services Agreement with Maximus US Services extending the contract to perform services rendered in the development of the County’s Central Services Cost Allocation Plan through February 28, 2025 in the amount of $13,000.00. Mr. Gorton said that this was the same amount last year, although the year before it was $11,000.  He said that this price is locked in for two years.

The Airport Authority received approval to execute Change Order #1, decreasing the Contract with Kenny Hoar Construction Company, Inc., d/b/a Kenny Hoar Construction Company, for the Geauga County Airport Hangar 1 Improvements project in the amount of $13,200.00.

Mr. Lennon said that the County wants to continue to move forward with supporting the Airport.  He thought that a second Hangar project would be beneficial and wanted to know how the Commissioners could support this.  Mr. Gorton asked if he meant a low cost loan?  Mr. Spidalieri added that if they complete this new project, 32 people are already waiting to get in.  Mr. Spidalieri suggested that whenever the Airport Authority received funds from the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority), they could pay back the Commissioners.  Mr. Spidalieri also thought that the Airport would benefit from a new office building that would supply a conference room, shower and other amenities for users of the airport as well as having conference space to offer Aviation training.

Mr. Dvorak said he would be okay with supporting the Airport. 

Mr. Gorton then asked what they wanted in terms of financing.  Mr. Spidalieri said he wanted to sit down with the Airport Authority and see what the total amounts would be.

Mr. Spidalieri also suggested that they might want to consider some projects at the Fair, such as renovations or a new Poultry Barn. 

The Department on Aging received approval to terminate a full time Transportation Driver and to advertise for the position of Full-time Transportation Driver (#1020). This position will remain posted until filled.

The Maintenance Department received approval for the following:

  • To execute the revised Application for Authorization to Permit the use of County Credit Cards, per O.R.C. 301.27 form, to add additional employees for use of the Home Depot Commercial Account, not to exceed monthly amounts for Kevin Borsi ($1,000.00), Gary Merker ($1,000.00), Matthew Sieracki ($5,000.00) and Department on Aging employee Shaun Strand ($1,000.00), for the remainder of the Year 2024.

  • To advertise for bids for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Snow Plowing Services to be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 2:15 p.m. Notice of this Bid Opening will be advertised on September 12, 2024, September 19, 2024 and on the County website.  Mr. Vernick said the snow plowing would be for the area around the new county office building.

The Department of Water Resources received approval to execute the service Contract Agreement with Workman Industrial Services, Inc., to perform Haskins Road Lift Station Repair for the department for a one-year period, effective September 5, 2024 in an amount not to exceed $29,690.00.

The Commissioners’ Office received approval for the following:

  • To accept and approve the CEBCO (County Employee Benefit Consortium of Ohio) Member 2024-2025 Wellness Program, CEBCO/Anthem Rewards 200 for Geauga County Employee Health and Wellness for the period August 15, 2024 through August 14 2025. 

  • To accept and approve the Anthem Group Life /Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Rate Renewal for the period January 1, 2025 through January 1, 2028.  Ms. Bidlak said there was no increase.

  • To approve and execute Resolution #24-160 Honoring the following Eagle Scouts for Achieving Eagle Scout, the Highest Award of Advancement bestowed upon a Scout: Colson Christie, Anthony Raines and Sam Soncrant

The Commissioners’ Office received approval for the following:

  • To withdraw from the Joint Board of County Commissioners of Portage and Geauga Counties and the Joint Portage-Geauga Juvenile Detention Rehabilitation Center District, effective September 5, 2024; there will be no extensions of this date, and to continue discussions with Portage County to identify and receive the necessary compensation for any and all of Geauga County’s interests therein.  Mr. Morgan said they are still trying to get the money that was to be refunded to Geauga County.

  • To approve and authorize the President of the Board to execute the Services Agreement between Lake County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division, and Geauga County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division, to provide secured detention space and temporary holding of Geauga County Juvenile Detainees while they await adjudication, disposition or placement elsewhere at the rate of two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225.00) per day for each regular detainee and three hundred dollars ($300.00) per day for a Geauga Intensive Community Rehabilitation (ICR) detainee for an initial term of three years, effective September 5, 2024, then automatically renew for successive one-year terms, with a not to exceed annual amount of $250,000.00.

Ms. Blair said that the Agreement with Richland County (for long-term juvenile detention) was in the final stages of being completed.

Observer Note:  See LWVGeauga Observer Report for May 21, 2024 for information about this change.

Public Comment: None

Meeting adjourned at 10:03 am.

More Information and Posted Minutes:
Available here.

Next Regular Meeting of the BOCC:
The meetings following this meeting will be Tuesday, September 10, and Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 9:30 am.

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 9/10/2024

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga