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Chardon Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Construction on Schedule: Chardon Board of Education 

Manages Multiple Summer Projects

Chardon Board of Education – 07/15/2024

Meeting Details:
Meetings are held at the Chardon Board of Education building adjacent to the Chardon Middle School at 428 North Street, Chardon. Here is the link to the available Meeting Agendas and Minutes.  Click on the meetings tab on the right to access the Agendas and Minutes. Board meeting videos are also available through Chardon Geauga TV (GTV). Topics discussed will be noted by the time that they appear in the GTV video for easy reference.

Board President Karen Blakenship, Board Members Andrea Clark and Todd Albright 

Not Present:
C.J. Paterniti and James Midyette 

Staff Attendance:
Superintendent Dr. Michael Hanlon and Treasurer Deb Armbruster

2:12 min Adoption of Agenda -
All Approved

2:30 min The Pledge of Allegiance
was led by Board President Karen Blankenship

2:47 min Mission Statement -
Read by Dr. Hanlon

2:53 min Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items:
No public comments.

Observer Note: In order to comment at Chardon Board of Education meetings, members of the public must sign up to do so before the meeting starts. There are two opportunities for public comment. The first one is on Agenda items, and the second one is not restricted to the Agenda.

2:59 min Consent Agenda:

  • Approval of Minutes (06/17/24 and 06/24/24) - All Approved

  • Approval of Warrant List (check pay) Report - All Approved

3:47 min Superintendent’s Report and Recommendations  

Dr. Hanlon gave updates on multiple projects. Dr. Hanlon stated that the Chardon High School (CHS) security vestibule is on schedule with final details being finished this week followed by concrete work. Dr. Hanlon stated that approvals for the addition of front signage and work to blend the ceiling will be proposed at tonight's meeting. Next, Dr. Hanlon gave an update on the transportation complex, noting that they are currently addressing comments on construction drawing from both the City of Chardon and Geauga County. Dr. Hanlon noted that all demolition and site prep for the transportation complex is complete. Dr. Hanlon reported that the new gym floor going into Chardon Middle School (CMS) is on schedule. Dr. Hanlon stated that the Memorial Field lighting project is near completion, with just a few more days of work needed. Finally, Dr. Hanlon noted that work on CHS and CMS signage would begin this week, on schedule. 

10:43 min Administrative, Certified/Licensed, Classified, Supplemental, and Non-Contractual Personnel and Compensation -
All Approved

11:09 min Approval of Job Description for Communications Director 
- All Approved

Discussion: Dr. Hanlon stated that this position was previously held by a member of the Educational Services Center (ESC), but will now be held by a Chardon School District Employee. Dr. Hanlon explained that this is why a job description for the position is now up for approval. 

12:05 min Approval of High School Security Entrance Project Change Orders with Millstone Management Group -
All Approved

Discussion: Andrea Clark asked Dr. Hanlon why there was a change order for the sign. Dr. Hanlon explained that the signage changes were in the original plan as they added proper institutional signage for the building, but they cut them due to budgetary concerns. Dr. Hanlon stated that, now that the project is near completion, they no longer have budget concerns or a need for contingency funds, and so they are able to add this work back into the project with contingency funds. 

14:47 min Resolution 2024-15: Declaring Transportation to be Impractical for the 2024-25 School Year  -
All Approved

Discussion: Dr. Hanlon stated that there is a yearly process for non-public school students, and that the district has a responsibility to transport all students within a 30 minute driving radius of the student’s residence to the public school location. Dr. Hanlon stated that every year the district evaluates their ability to transport all students, and some transportation requests are impractical for the district. Dr. Hanlon stated that the parents on tonight's list will be informed of the decision, and if they accept the board's decision, the board will contract with them and pay them to self-transport to school. Dr. Hanlon stated that, if a parent were to reject the offer, there is a process through the Ohio Department of Education that they would then follow to resolve that disagreement.  Reviewer Note:  Information regarding this provision of Ohio state law can be found at ORC 3327.01.

17:49 min Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Educational Services Center of Western Reserve (ESCWR) and the Chardon School District for a Geauga
Youth Center Partnership
- All Approved

Discussion: Dr. Hanlon stated that these funds are coming from the Ohio Department of Education to the ESCWR through the district to administer short-term education while children from the district are in juvenile detention. Dr. Hanlon stated that this program allows the children to continue their education until they return to school or obtain their GED.

20:40 min Approval of CHS Athletics Out of State/ Overnight Field Trip
- All Approved

Discussion: Dr. Hanlon explained that this is an addition of the cheerleaders going on a trip previously approved for the football team to Orlando scheduled for next month. 

22:54 min Treasurer Report/ CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Report and Recommendations -
Ms. Armbruster gave the CFO report for June 2024. Ms. Armbruster reported that they are very close to forecast. Ms. Armbruster stated that she has included an expanded cash summary in her report for the year end. Ms. Armbruster reported that $11,000 in a fund for underground fuel storage may be reallocated after the new transportation complex is opened and the above ground storage begins. Ms. Armbruster reported that revenue was budgeted for the year at 100.41% to actual, and expenditures came in at 99.43% to actual. Ms. Armbruster stated that the year end 2024 general fund was under budget by $352,646. Ms. Armbruster reported that the cash balance for year end was $23,696,000. Ms. Armbruster reported that there was $116,886 in deficit spending. Ms. Armbruster reported that district True Days are at 142, revenue for 2024 is at $42,037,622 (a $3,851,849 increase) and the expenditures for 2024 are $42,154,508 (a $3,067,261 increase). 

Observer Note: A link to the FInancial Report can be found in the Agenda and also
here. For more of the discussion, see the point on the video noted above.

45:07 min Donations -
All Approved

45:55 min Final Appropriations Measure Fiscal Year 2025
-All Approved

46:28 min Board of Education Reports and Recommendations 

  1. Chardon Schools Foundation Report, Mrs. Clark - No report. 

  2. Legislative Liaison Report and Auburn Career Center Liaison Report, Mr. Albright - Mr. Albright stated that 28 bills are currently being proposed. Mr. Albright stated that never in his time reviewing legislature in the state of Ohio has he seen any legislature geared towards student outcomes. Mr. Albright stated that most of the items up for consideration are on the periphery, a bunch of trip wires, and not funded. Mr. Albright asked if it was possible to “reign these people in a bit.”  Mr. Albright stated that a proposed bill about wearing face masks could pertain to outcomes, he supposes. Ms. Clark asked if these were just introduced for people to get attention during an election season? Mr. Albright replied, yes he thinks they are to some extent, but may also be something they really care about. Mr. Albright stated that one of the proposed bills has to do with protecting certain hairstyles, but that is not linked to improving outcomes.

Mr. Albright stated that he visited Auburn Career Center. Mr. Albright reported that Auburn does not want to buy any more property, so they are building miniature houses to support their construction courses. Mr. Albright stated that Auburn has partnered with Great Lakes Growers to introduce a hydroponic growing technique that quickly produces harvest and will allow tie-ins with many of their programs, such as growing the fresh produce used by their kitchen and allowing the architectural students the ability to participate in the construction process. Mr. Albright reported that new state funds may allow for technical training to funnel down to the middle schools in the future, and that there is potential for partnership with Auburn Career Center and the new transportation complex. 

Student/Staff Liaison Report, Mr. Midyette -
No report. 

55:21 min New Business -

55:31 min Hearing of the Public on Non-Agenda Items -

Adjournment at 7:25pm

agendas and minutes are available online.

Next regular meeting
is scheduled for August 19th, 2024.

Observer: Jessica Martin 

Editor: Sarah McGlone

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Date submitted: 08/06/2025

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League of Women Voters of Geauga