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Geauga Public Health Board

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

County Commissioners Propose First Draft of GPH Rent Agreement

Geauga Public Health (GPH) - Regular Meeting - July 24, 2024

Meeting Details
: The GPH Board met in Regular Session at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite B167-168, Chardon, OH, on June 26, 2024 at 5 pm.  This meeting was live-streamed by Geauga County ADP. Typically the Agenda is posted on their Facebook page a few days prior to the meeting. The video is available here. This observer did not attend the meeting in person, but  viewed the video.

Public Comment Policy:
There is no separate written policy, but in practice “Citizens’ Remarks” are listed on the agenda and are permitted as detailed there.

Board Attendance:
(as seated, from L to R).

  • Dr. Mark Hendrickson, President

  • Dr. Mark Rood

  • Carolyn Brakey, Esq. 

  • Melissa Bowdren

  • Dr. Ashley Jones

Staff Attendance:
  • Adam Litke - Administrator (end of table left)

  • Ron Graham, Heath Commissioner for both Geauga and Lake Counties ( end of table second from the right)

  • Dan Lark, Environmental Health Director (end of table far right)

Others Present:  Linda Burhenne, Assistant County Administrator; Jim Dvorak, Geauga County Commissioner; Lynn Roman, former Geauga Public Health Board member; Chris Alusheff, Aquilla Trustee and Claridon Township Zoning Inspector; Ken Smith, and several other members of the public.

11:27 Min. Call to Order
: Called to order at a few minutes after 5:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. A quorum was declared. Dr. Hendrickson certified the delivery of official notices of meeting.

The Board approved Minutes of the Regular Meeting on 6/26/24. Observer Note: Board of Health Published Minutes are up-to-date; the most recent minutes published are for the May 22, 2024 Regular Meeting. Use the down arrow under “Select Category” at the top to search for the correct year at the link provided.

13:40 Min Change to the Order of Business to allow presenters to speak and then leave.

  1. Public Comment: Mr. Smith, a member of the public, asked to have a building permit from 2019 extended. Mr. Litke read notes from the December 2023 GPH Board meeting, at which Mr. Smith had made the same request.  The extension was denied at the December 2023 meeting. Building permits are valid for one year with the possibility of a six month extension. Mr. Smith explained why building was delayed. He seemed to be unclear about the decision from last December. The denial remains in place, meaning that Mr. Smith will need a new building permit. Mr. Litke and Mr. Lark will follow up. Mr. Lark said that if there are some fees that do not have to be recharged, they will not be charged. However, the time limit for extending the building permit has passed.

  2. Old Business: Rent and Lunchroom Discussion (20:34) - Ms. Burhenne from the Board of County Commissioners Office (BOCC) and Commissioner Jim Dvorak were present to discuss rent.  Observer note: The BOCC is looking for space for ADP staff and will use the GPH lunchroom area and storage area. Some doorways would have to be re-routed to provide for emergency exits and to keep the GPH space secure.  This was previously discussed at the May 22, 2024 GPH Board meeting and the June 26, 2024 GPH Board meeting. Tonight continues that discussion and the rent discussion. Draft copies of the lease have been distributed to the GPH Board but have not yet been reviewed by the County Prosecutor. Ms. Burhenne authored the draft lease based on a prior lease. Ms. Burhenne asked for input from the GPH Board. Discussion followed. Some items discussed included: Should the unfinished storage room rent be the same as finished space?  How will yearly increases be calculated especially after the 5 year lease term ends? What is the method used to determine costs per square foot?  

Ms. Burhenne explained the cost allocation process. The rent that GPH is being asked to pay is less than what it costs to operate, which she said was currently $3-$4/ per sq ft.  The lease proposes rent in the amount of $2/sq ft for the first year, and then $3/sq ft in the second year and $4/sq ft in years 3, 4 and 5.  The lease term is 5 years, with a one year option for renewal.  Reviewer Comment:  These details are among those to be worked out.  GPH members also questioned whether the basement storage area should be the same rent as the rest of the space.   A rate for $1/Sq ft was suggested for unimproved space in the basement. Potential timelines for the renovation for ADP staff use were discussed, with the Board being amenable to allow work to start once the lease is signed even if rent doesn’t begin until later (possibly January 1, 2025). Mr. Litke stated that changes in GPH costs (paying rent) will result in Mr. Lark having to recalculate fees as the budget will change. Board members were asked to send comments to Mr. Litke so he can send them on to the Prosecutor.  The cost of this lease is an unanticipated expense for GPH in an already tight budget.  It was decided to hold further discussion pending a response on the draft lease from the Prosecutor’s office. 

Observer Note: A working group to address this issue was discussed at the May GPH meeting (see link above), with Mr. Litke and Dr. Hendrickson joining Mr. Morgan and Ms. Burhenne (BOCC) and possibly a representative of ADP. As of July 24, 2024, a working group has not yet convened. 

48:30 Min  Public Comment:
Mr. Chris Alusheff (Aquilla Trustee and Claridon Township Zoning) was present to discuss handling Nuisance Complaints.  Mr. Litke explained that these complaints could be handled with a Housing Code, but Geauga does not have a housing code. Mr. Litke explained the pros and cons of having such a code. For example, it would be unfunded, can become subjective and enforcement can be costly.  Mr. Alusheff and the Board discussed the range of complaints that come to various entities in the county around how to handle nuisance complainants. Abandoned homes, mold, raccoons, rabies and other nuisances would be a GPH responsibility only as they affect the health of neighbors. All noted that elderly situations are the saddest. Mr. Alusheff said that ORC  3737.01 Abatement of Nuisances would permit regulation. Mr. Lark said that GPH has authority for issues exterior to the house. Mr. Graham said that Lake County has a Code and a person (or more) that works in this area.  Ms. Brakey was concerned that Geauga residents would not welcome additional regulation since many moved to or continue to live in the County because they want freedom from such regulations.  Mr. Graham mentioned that the upcoming Assessment (see below) might cover this and could be a good reason to return to this question.   The decision was made to hold off on action on this topic for now.  GPH staff will continue to work with Mr. Alusheff and look at the Lake County Housing Code.  Reviewer Note:  Here is the link for the Lake County Code.

1:14:20 Min.Health District Staff Reports
Observer Note: These reports are available with the agenda on the GPH Facebook Page and are also available here.

Population Health Report -
 No update beyond what is in the report with the agenda. 

Environmental Health Report - No update beyond what is in the report.


1:14:52  Min. Administrator’s Report - No update beyond the report, but Mr. Litke will address accreditation with Mr. Graham. 

Health Commissioner’s Report - Mr. Graham addressed accreditation. See below under Financial Reports. 

Old Business - Lease addressed previously (see above).

1:15:35 Min.   New Business 

Agenda Item 6.01 Resolutions

Financial Reports, Resolution 24–07-06-01-01 Ms.Brakey asked several questions about specific invoices (outside legal services). Mr. Litke responded  that those were for the records retention schedule.  The records retention schedule is in place. Different types of records have different requirements for retention. There was some discussion about ultimately digitizing the GPH records as a long term goal, as this is a better option than boxes and boxes of paper records. Ms. Brakey asked about the Public Health Accreditation Fee. GPH is in year 3 of their 5 year accreditation. Mr. Graham explained the costs involved. It is a state requirement that the Board become accredited. The report for 2023 is due to the accrediting body on September 30, 2024 and will address how GPH resolved outstanding issues. A Health Assessment (every 3 years) is also required. GPH will partner with UH (University Hospital) for the Health Assessment, which will cost an additional $265,000 (shared with UH). Ms.Brakey suggested drafting a letter to legislators outlining the costs for accreditation and questioning the benefit to the public relative to the cost. Reviewer Note:  It does not appear from the video that a resolution was made to send such a letter.  Mr. Graham said that the costs included a $14,000 down payment, which would include required training, then $5,000-$6,000 per year for the next 5 years.  Discussion included why this was required and how it benefited the County. Mr. Graham said that the average with all costs over a three year period was $100,000 a year, and the State gives $20,000 a year for being an accredited health department for a net cost of $80,000 a year.

Resolution to approve Financial reports unanimously by voice vote.

1:35:00 Min. Permission to Approve Appropriations for Increase/Decrease - Includes a transfer of funds to the general fund from reserves. Also includes increases in salary line which are offset by decreases in salary line. No net change in the budget. 

Resolution approved unanimously by voice vote.

1:37:00 Min.  Resolution 2024- Purchase order for Geauga County Water Resources not to exceed $13,885.00. This is for fees for the water lab. 

Resolution passed by voice vote, with Dr. Jones abstaining. 

1:38:03 Min.Agenda Item 6.02 Resolution to Increase Certain fees, Food Service Program, First Reading 

Food fees adjustments brought in line with data from last year resulted in a decrease in food fees for this year.  The data from the previous year determines this year's fees.  Mr. Lark said there will be a public hearing regarding the increase, but no date was given.

Resolution approved unanimously by voice vote.

1:40 Min. Additional Comments: Prior to the Citizen’s remarks, Mr. Litke addressed progress with OM (Operation and Maintenance) notices. This refers to Operations and Management of home septic systems. Notifications for testing for septic systems are going out according to the planned schedule.  There has been about 70% compliance, and GPH staff is following up with those who have not responded. For more information about this program click here

1:46:00 Min.  Citizen’s Remarks

Several residents spoke in support of GPH in the lease negotiation process including Lynn Roman (former GPH member).  Staff and board were encouraged to be outspoken in stating their needs and asking for what they want. Discussion ensued. Possible tenant protections were discussed. Ms. Brakey stated that, although she is not a real estate attorney, it appears that the lease as presented seems slanted to the Landlord. Another resident suggested that he thought GPH should present their material concerns to the Prosecutor’s Office prior to the second draft being written and going to the Prosecutor’s Office.  Board members were asked to send concerns to Mr. Litke. 

No Executive Session (announced by Dr. Hendrickson)

2:01:10 Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 6:47. 

Next Regular Meeting: August 28 at 5:00 pm. All meetings are held at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite B167-168, Chardon, OH.

More Information: Geauga Public Health

Observer: Kathy Franz

Editor: Sarah McGlone

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Submission Date: 8/2/2024

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga