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Geauga Public Health Board

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Geauga Public Health (GPH) - Regular Meeting - June 26, 2024 

Meeting Details
: The GPH Board met in Regular Session at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite B167-168, Chardon, OH, on June 26, 2024 at 5 pm.  This meeting was live-streamed by Geauga County ADP. Typically the Agenda is posted on their Facebook page a few days prior to the meeting. The video is available here. This observer did not attend the meeting in person, but  viewed the video.

Public Comment Policy:
There is no separate written policy, but in practice “Citizens’ Remarks” are listed on the agenda and are permitted as detailed there.

Board Attendance:
(as seated, from L to R).

  • Dr. Mark Hendrickson, President

  • Dr. Mark Rood

  • Melissa Bowdren

  • Carolyn Brakey

Dr. Ashley Jones was absent

Staff Attendance:

  • Adam Litke - Administrator (end of table left)

  • Ron Graham, Heath Commissioner for both Geauga and Lake Counties ( end of  table right)

Others Present:  Linda Burhenne, Assistant County Administrator. Several members of the public were present: one visible in the video, one off screen.

11:45 Call to Order: Called to order at a few minutes after 5:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. A quorum was declared. Dr. Hendrickson certified the delivery of official notices of meeting.

The Board approved Minutes of the Regular Meeting on 5/22/24. Observer Note: Board of Health Published Minutes are up-to-date; the most recent minutes published are for the April 24, 2024 Regular Meeting. Use the down arrow under “Select Category” at the top to search for the correct year at the link provided.

13:20 Lunchroom Discussion -
Mr. Litke proposed having this discussion in advance of the staff reports so the guest, Ms. Burhenne from the Board of County Commissioners Office (BOCC), would not have to stay through the whole meeting. Observer note: The BOCC is looking for space for ADP staff and would like to use the GPH lunchroom area and storage area. Some doorways would have to be re-routed to provide for emergency exits and to keep the GPH space secure.  This was previously discussed at the May 22, 2024 GPH Board meeting. Tonight continues that discussion. Ms. Burhenne, in response to the GPH Board’s request, brought copies of the floor plan, which she distributed. She then stated that the rent amount that Geauga Public Health (GPH) would pay has not yet been decided. She offered assurance that the BOCC is only “looking to be made whole,” charging something in the range of $3-$4/square foot. Ms. Burhenne stated that the timing for APD to move into the space is as soon as possible.  Doors have been ordered at $3,000 per door, and it is estimated that it will take up to 12 weeks for them to be delivered. Plans are to keep the space as unchanged as possible to accommodate future needs. 

Dr. Rood asked that GPH be included in discussions going forward. There was some discussion of past meetings that occurred which were not always open.  Dr. Rood requested  that the two entities work together moving forward so that the goals of  both BOCC and GPH can be met. Dr. Rood stated that while communications with Adam Litke and other staff are important, that does not cover the need for the Board or a subcommittee of the Board to be involved.  GPH requested a holistic discussion to cover space needs, finalizing the rent issue, issues around access, holidays, and the need for a generator and indicated that this discussion should occur prior to the GPH  Board approving giving up this space.  Dr. Hendrickson agreed to be part of a working group along with Mr. Litke and representatives of the BOCC. 
Observer Note: A working group to address this issue was discussed at the May GPH meeting (see link above), with Mr. Litke and Dr. Hendrickson joining Mr. Morgan and Ms. Burhenne (BOCC) and possibly a representative of ADP. As of the publication of this report on July 12, 2024, a working group has not yet convened.

Ms. Burhenne stated the move has not been discussed publicly by the BOCC. She will work on getting this on the BOCC agenda. Ms. Brakey asked what will be the total cost to the taxpayers. She noted that beyond the 4 doors, there is also a wall to be built.  She asked for more figures on the cost. Discussion about possible scheduling ensued. Mr. Graham asked what some other entities pay in rent. Ms. Burhenne shared rent information. She also offered to share sample leases and to get this issue on the BOCC agenda.
Reviewer Note: There was a discussion of rent at the July 2, 2024 BOCC meeting, but it did not include a discussion of the potential ADP move or a working group to address the issues noted above.  At the July 2 BOCC meeting, the $3 - $4 per sq ft rent charge was discussed, with Mr. Dvorak being charged with negotiating an amount. 

31:20 Health District Staff Reports
(Observer Note: These reports are available with the agenda on the GPH Facebook Page) and are also available here.

31:20 Population Health Report -
 No report.

Environmental Health Report - Mr. Lark was not present, so no report, but the following updates were provided:

  • Environmental Health update. Mr. Litke explained resolutions 6.02 and 6.0,3 which will be addressed later in the agenda under New Business. 

  • Population Health update. Mr. Litke also reported that attempts to help the DDC Clinic with staffing for vaccination clinics continue, with no success so far. In general there is a shortage of nurses. Board members and Mr. Litke continue to search for solutions.

36:02 Administrator’s Report - (Observer Note: These reports are available with the agenda on the GPH Facebook Page).  Mr. Litke and Mr. Graham will be in Cuyahoga County tomorrow for the Emergency Preparedness Grant. The Workforce Development Grant amount went down.  This reduction in funding led to switching some staff around. In general most work is being done on Operation Management. Mr. Litke spoke to State Representative Demetriu’s office about Operations Management fees, and Representative Demetriou said he was aware and would try to get some help with the costs. Mr. Litke acknowledged that this could take some time.  He is working on some additional grants. Aside from the Mosquito Grant, they have gotten no additional grants right now.  

37:10 Health Commissioner’s Report - Mr. Graham reported that the Public Health Accreditation Board requires an annual report. It is due in August. Mr. Graham stated that GPH is very aware of the deficits as far as services and transition. Mr. Graham stated that GPH will be held harmless as they work together with Lake to get back on track.  He noted that Health Assessment, Workforce Development Training and Emergency Preparedness are some areas needing attention. He said there is a meeting with University Hospital (UH) on July 3 regarding the Community Health Needs Assessment they are doing and how/if GPH and UH might work together.  GPH continues to look for grants that might be appropriate. One grant from the State had deliverables that GPH felt unable to achieve so they did not apply. There are two potential options at this time, one from the Cleveland Foundation and another from a smaller funder. 

Old Business - Addressed simultaneously with New Business

39:33 New Business 

6.01 Resolutions - All Approved unanimously

6.01.01 Financial Reports, Resolution 24–06-06-01-01 There was a brief discussion.  The resolution was approved unanimously by voice vote. House Bill 110 payments are going out.  Reviewer Note:  See the March 2, 2023 LWV Geauga Report regarding the House Bill 110 payments.  The Board discussed the possibility of putting something on the website so that companies who get checks will know they are legitimate.

6.01.02 Permission to Approve Appropriations for Increase/Decrease - This included funds to pay retainage for the Parkman well, which is now complete, and funds for training which was required by the State for Workforce Development. The training cost $10,000. The cost was split with Lake County and the expense was covered by a grant. Approved unanimously by voice vote. 


6.02 Resolution of the Geauga Public Health Board of Health to Authorize the Health Commissioner to Suspend a Retail Food Establishment License for Violations Presenting a Clear and Present Danger or a Food Service Operation License for an Immediate Danger to Public Health Without Giving Notice. Discussion clarified that this allows action to be taken before notifying the GPH Board.  The Board would be notified at the next Board meeting. An email would be sent to the Board immediately. The establishment would be notified immediately by their health inspection report. If not immediately corrected they could be shut down by the Health Commissioner. Roll Call Vote:  Yes- Unanimous.  


6.03 Resolution of the Geauga Public Health Board of Health to Delegate Authority to Initiate License Suspension or Revocation of a Retail Food Establishment License or Food Service Operation License for Violations, including Failure to Maintain Sanitary Conditions. 

Discussion of the difference between suspending and revocation.  In this instance (revocation) they have 15 days to respond and 15 days to appeal. Operations continue during this period. Suspending the license (Resolution 6.02) causes the operations to cease immediately.  Revoking could result from something as simple as not paying their license fee. Suspension is the result of an immediate danger. 

Roll Call vote:  Yes- Unanimous. 

50:17 Citizen’s Remarks

Initially no comments were offered. Mr. Litke asked if Mr. Howard had a comment.  He made some mostly inaudible comments about “Quade” (presumably former Geauga County Health Commissioner Tom Quade) and Amish schools, Fauci (presumably Dr. Anthony Fauci) and Covid and septics. Dr. Hendrickson said, “noted.” 

51:59 Executive Session - 

The GPH Board went into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.

The meeting was adjourned at an unknown time since this observer was not present in person and the video recording ended when the Executive Session began. 

Next Regular Meeting: July 24 at 5:00 pm. All meetings are held at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite B167-168, Chardon, OH.

More Information: Geauga Public Health

Observer: Kathy Franz

Editor: Sarah McGlone

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Submission Date: July 13, 2024

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga