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Kenston Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Kenston Board Votes to Approve Additional 1.0-Mill Tax Levy

Kenston Board of Education Special Meeting – June 21, 2024 

Meeting Details
:  The Kenston Board of Education (BOE) Special Meeting took place on June 21, 2024, beginning at 7:30 a.m.  This Special Meeting replaced the Regular June 24, 2024 meeting that was canceled due to member scheduling conflicts. The video is posted on the YouTube page here. View the agenda online and any attached documents here by selecting the meeting tab and then the meeting date.

Board Attendance
: Jennifer Troutman, Jim Henry, Beth Krause, Tom Manning.

Dennis Bergansky

Staff in Attendance
: Superintendent Steven Sayers and Treasurer Seth Cales. 

Reviewer Note:  The time stated for each segment of the meeting indicates the time on the video.

.15 Min Pledge of Allegiance 

.45 Min Meeting called to order. 

Observer Note: Mr. Manning did not state the time when calling the meeting to order.  Start Time is approximated at 7:30 a.m. due to time noted on the special meeting list date, total video minutes, and noted time of 7:59 at adjournment.

This meeting is being held in accordance with Section 3313.15 of the Ohio Revised Code. 

2.30 Min Approval of the Minutes The Kenston Board of Education  approved that the reading of these minutes be waived, and approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 13, 2024, and the Special Meetings of May 20, 2024 and June 10, 2024 as recorded or corrected.  The minutes of these meetings can be found here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 3.1 on the agenda.

2.45 Min Commendations   Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Kenston Board of Education approved the following:

  • 2023-2024 Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Business Honor Roll Recipients for their contributions to the Kenston Community:

    • Kirtland Capital Partners

    • Romeo's Pizza

These company representatives were not present. Mr Sayers advised that he would be sure to get the certificates of appreciation to them.

3.36 Min Informational Items

  • Legislative Committee Update - Mrs. Troutman advised that Ohio House Bill 250, which requires school districts to establish official policies regarding cell phone usage in schools, has been signed into law by Governor DeWine. The committee will be reviewing the district’s current policies to ensure that they are in compliance  with the new law. If changes are needed, Mrs. Troutman advised that the matter may be on agenda in the future. 

  • A birthday book, The Cleveland Guardians by Anthony Hewson, was presented to Tom Manning by Mr. Sayers.

6.21 Min Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items - None

6.27 Min Financial Items - These are available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 7.1-7.13 on the agenda. 

  • The Kenston Board of Education approved the second resolution declaring it necessary to levy an additional 1.0-Mill Tax Levy for 5 years for the purpose of General Permanent Improvements and requesting the Geauga County Auditor to make certain certifications, pursuant to Sections 5705.03 and 5705.21 of the Revised Code. See full resolution here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 7.13 on the agenda (scroll down).

10.28 Min Certified Personnel Items - These are available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 8.1-8.3 on the agenda.

11.36 Min Classified Personnel Items - These are available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 9.1-9.5 on the agenda.

12.02 Min Supplemental Personnel Items - These are available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 10.1-10.3 on the agenda.

  • Science of Reading Training-Board Agenda here.  Beth Krause advised that these training costs are to be reimbursed.

12.53 Min Exempt Personnel Items - These are available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 11.1-11.2 on the agenda.

13.15 Min Business Operations  - Available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 12 on the agenda.

13.37 Min Teaching and Learning - These items are available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 13.1-13.2 on the agenda.

  • The Kenston Board of Education approved a contract with LEAF (Lake Geauga Educational Assistance Foundation) to provide financial aid advisory services during the 2024-2025 school year at a cost of $3,100. See the contract here.

15.23 Min Special Education Items - These are available here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 14.1 - 14.7 on the agenda.

15.45 Min Kenston Board of Education approved the list of policies found here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 15.1 on the agenda where policies are individually linked for view. Highlights:

  • Policy 0165.2 has been changed such that the board is no longer required to provide a period for public comment during Special Meetings. The wording now says, “The Board may also provide a period for public comment at any special meeting of the board regarding items that require special board action.”

  • Policy changes/adjustments/updates were made to policies titled: The Third Grade Reading Guarantee, Student Assessment and Academic Intervention Services, Termination and Resignation (two policies - for Professional and Classified Employees), Employment Contract, Property Inventory, Transportation, Bus Driver Certification, Transportation by Vehicles Other than School Buses, and Incidental transportation of Students by Private Vehicle.

  • Policy 5310 was adjusted such that the district will now provide free feminine hygiene products to grades four through twelve. Prior to this, provision was made for grades six through twelve.

16.10 Min New Business Items were approved by the board and can be found here by selecting the meeting tab, meeting date, and 16.1-16.7 on the agenda.

  • The 2024-2025 calendar was again approved. An additional  professional development day on September 25, 2024 was the only change. See calendar here.

  • Item 16.7 includes the first reading of new Curriculum.

17.53 Min Hearing of The Public on Non-Agenda items - None


18.03 Min Treasurer’s Report Mr. Cales reported that the SCView (Single Customer View-Records Management  Software) implementation has gone very well. Training for users has been well planned. Mr. Cales stated his belief that “utilizing technology like this … we get tremendous efficiencies,” and he advised that more modules will be added. He gave kudos to all those involved in this process.

20.44 Min Superintendent’s Report  Mr. Sayers advised that the summer move laid out in the Rightsizing Plan is on track. At this time, the Board decided to hold next month’s meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 7 p.m 

24.40 Min The Board presented Mr. Sayers with a gift and their thanks for two years of service.

26.56 Min Motion to adjourn approved at 7:59 am. Video ended at 27:20.

Observer Note: This observer attended the meeting virtually.

Next regular meeting: Tuesday July 16, 2024 at 7 pm  

More information here:
Board of Education | Kenston Local Schools

Observer: Jacqueline Berger

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 06/30/2024

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga