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Berkshire Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Berkshire Board of Education- Regular Board Meeting, April 15, 2024 

Meeting Details
:  The meeting was held in the Auditorium of the Berkshire Local Schools complex, 14155 Claridon Troy Rd, Burton, Ohio 44021 at 6 pm.  The meeting was in person only with no virtual attendance option.  A video of the meeting is posted here.  View the agenda online and any attached documents here by selecting the meeting tab and then the meeting date.  The notation of minutes refers to the time posted on the video for the discussion of the item listed.

Board Members Attendance
: The following members attended: John Manfredi, President, Jody Miller, Vice President and members Dan Berman and Linda Stone. Bryan Wadsworth was late; he did not enter the meeting until 6:25 pm. 

Staff Attendance
: John Stoddard, Superintendent and Beth McCaffrey, Treasurer

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda - motion carried unanimously

Approval of Minutes - motion carried unanimously. 
Minutes are available here. Select the meeting tab, then select the meeting date and click on minutes.

2:00 min  Student/Staff Presentation - Early Childhood Center (ECC) Presentation

Mrs. Joy
Christopher-Reed, Director of Early Literacy, gave a presentation on the Five "C's" of The Berkshire Early Childhood Center: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving and Civic Responsibility. She talked about their project-based learning partnerships with different groups and individuals, including with a local entrepreneur to design a food truck and with 7th and 2nd graders to make robots and learn coding. She gave examples of how the projects give students the chance to work on their five “Cs” as well as language and math skills.

Dr. Stoddard noted that having the educational resources in one location has allowed staff to do creative and collaborative projects and noted the coming expansion next year. 

Dr. Stoddard also noted that Berkshire is the first Ohio district to adopt
Footsteps2Brilliance, a web-based program available to any student in the Berkshire School system. The goal is to develop early literacy skills and improve kindergarten readiness, especially for low-income students. 

See video for more information on ECC’s programs.

19:33 Min  Public Participation

Public Comment -
No public comment

20:00 min  Treasurer’s Report

Financial Statements

The Treasurer submitted a statement to the board and the Superintendent showing the revenues and receipts from whatever sources derived, the various Appropriations made by the board, the expenditures and disbursements therefrom, the purposes thereof, and the balances remaining in each fund.  The financial statements for the period ending March 2024 have been submitted subject to audit and include: Financial Summary, Appropriations and Revenue Summary, Check Register Recap, and Bank Reconciliation per ORC 3313.29. The report can be accessed from the
April 15 Agenda.

20:41 min  Donations

The Board unanimously approved donations from the following sources:

Mr. Manfredi commented that “this is the most AfterProm donations he’s ever seen.” Dr. Stoddard agreed that it has been an incredible year for donations. 

A complete summary of donations can be found in the Meeting Minutes.

22:19 min  Financial Amendments

The Board unanimously approved without discussion the following Financial Amendments:

Cash Transfers:

From General Fund

Termination Benefits


From General Fund

To Healthcare


Appropriation Changes

IDEA Fund 516

- $ 5,368.92

Title I Fund 572

+ $ 6,863.64

Title II Fund 590

- $ 1,291.04

Modular Fund 004-9906


Mr. Wadsworth entered the meeting at 6:25 PM

22:55 min  Superintendent’s Report


The Board unanimously approved hiring, resignations, contract extensions and other personnel items for many Administration, Certified, and Classified staff.

Before the vote, Dr Stoddard introduced two new staff members:

  • William “Bill” Kermavec as the Director of Special Education Services. 

Mr. Kermavec said he’s happy to join Berkshire’s staff and now work closer to home. His 4-year-old daughter will be attending Berkshire in the future.

  • Vanessa Karwan as Director of Professional Learning and Community Outreach. 

Ms. Karwan thanked the Board for the opportunity. She’s looking forward to helping the school secure grants and working to strengthen corporate partnering. Dr. Stoddard noted she’s already submitted two grants and is working with the vocational program and with the Early Childhood Center Director on the transition to its new facility.

Mr. Manfredi underlined that the Board “is going to lean on…her… because it’s vitally important for the school to secure grants.”  He also wants her to mentor their students.  

See the Meeting Minutes for a full list of Personnel actions.

27:30 min  School Fees

The Board unanimously approved
2024-2025 school fees for Berkshire Elementary, Berkshire Middle School and Berkshire High School. 

It was noted that the fees have increased by only a dollar, which is for a $1.00 increase for AP testing. Dr. Stoddard noted that they haven’t raised school fees in the 7 years that he’s been Superintendent.

28:37 min  Student Overnight Trip

The Board unanimously approved without discussion the 8
th Grade Trip to Washington, DC scheduled for May 8 to May 10, 2024.

28:59 min  Contracts

The Board unanimously approved without discussion contracts for:

  • Exceptional Therapy for Kids - 24/25 SY (School Year)

  • Exceptional Therapy for Kids - ESY (Extended School Year) Services for 23/24 SY

  • LLA Therapy (therapy services) - 24/25 SY

  • Abundant Life - Ballfields through June 30, 2024

  • Ohio Auditor of State - LGS (Local Government Services) Services FY24

29:26 min  Old Business

Dr. Stoddard informed the Board that the court date for the eviction hearing has been continued (delayed) without a new date set. 

Observer Note: In November, 2023, the Geauga County Agricultural Society notified Berkshire Schools Board of Education to vacate its former office at 14259 Claridon-Troy Road by January 1, 2024. Since the Board offices moved to the new all-grade campus in 2022, the school has used the building for their diesel repair classes and the Badger Lab for students with special needs job skills classes. The building also houses a bus maintenance garage.

The termination notice claims the Board is a hold-over tenant of the building and has been using it for non-educational purposes in violation of the terms of the tenancy.

In May 2024, a Chardon Municipal judge ruled that Berkshire schools must vacate the property.

Dr. Stoddard also informed the Board that the Water Pre-trial hearing in the Court of Common Pleas was scheduled for Friday, April 17 at 1:30 PM. 

Observer Note: Geauga County Fairground and Berkshire Schools are in a legal dispute over flooding on the fairgrounds, which the fairgrounds board contends didn’t exist before construction on the new Berkshire campus. 


30:17 min  New Business

Dr. Stoddard talked about Lt. Governor John Husted’s recent visit to Berkshire Schools. Mr. Husted heard a presentation about their academic and workforce development programs. He also visited the Diesel Tech program where he spoke with both students and instructors. Mr. Husted also toured Great Lakes Cheese and Troy Chemical where he learned about the school’s partnership with each company, including internship opportunities. The visit highlighted Berkshire Schools’ connections with local businesses and all the different ways students can explore their interests.

33:00 min  Board Discussion

Mr. Manfredi reported on the Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) meeting and potential sidewalk installation between the school and the village. The school is concerned about the safety of the many students who walk between the school and village. He noted that plans are in the initial stages.  He is enlisting new hire Vanessa Karwan to help facilitate funding for this project. Dr. Stoddard noted that the JEDD is an agreement between the village of Burton, Burton Township and the school district. It is funded through Burton Village’s 1% income tax which Berkshire Schools employees also pay. See
Geauga Maple Leaf for more details.

Mr. Manfredi will be taking a tour of Schoolyard Studios on April 26

Mr. Berman asked if there were any educational opportunities between Schoolyard Studios and the school. Dr. Stoddard said some students have modeled for them. The school is also working on creating internship opportunities.

37:10 min  Next Board Meeting Date 

Following this meeting, the next Board meeting dates are May 13, 2024, June 10, 2024,  and July 22, 2024.  All meetings are at 6:00 PM at the Berkshire Board of Education Auditorium, 14155 Claridon Troy Road, Burton, Ohio 44021

No Executive Session was held.

38:07 min Meeting was adjourned.


Observer: Rooney Moy

Editor: Sarah McGlone

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Date Submitted: 6/18/2024

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga