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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Board of County Commissioners - April 23, 2024

Meeting Details:
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met at 9:30 am on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH. The meetings are in-person only, and there are no recordings for the public.  An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners’ Clerk and at the meeting.

Public Comment Policy:
Observer Comment: Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri announced at the end of the April 4, 2023 meeting that public comment would be permitted and that a more formal policy would be forthcoming.  There was no formal policy introduced today, but public comment was permitted. 

Present were Commissioners Spidalieri, James Dvorak and Timothy Lennon. Also present were County Administrator Gerald Morgan, Assistant County Administrator Linda Burhenne, Finance Manager Adrian Gorton, and Commissioners' Clerk Christine Blair. 

County Representatives:
Jessica Boalt,  Director, Office on Aging; Richard Blamer, Manager, Geauga Airport Authority; Nick Gorris, Director, Water Resources; Shane Hajjar, Engineer’s Department;  Elaine Malkamaki, Program Director, Community Development; and a representative from the Engineer’s Office.

Others in Attendance:
Carolyn Brakey, County Commissioner Candidate and Geauga Public Health District Board Member; Adam Litke, Administrator, Geauga Public Health; reporters from the Geauga County Maple Leaf and Chagrin Valley Times; other members of the public, and this observer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a prayer was offered by Mr. Dvorak. 

: Minutes from the meetings of  February 22, February 27 and March 5, 2024 were all approved.  Observer Comment: Weekly LWVG Observer Reports for BOCC are available online through April 23, 2024 for informational purposes but are not substitutes for approved minutes.  Approved BOCC Minutes are posted online here through March 5, 2024. 

Administrator’s Report

Mr. Morgan reported on actions he had taken in the prior week that had been authorized by ORC and the Commissioners:

  • Approved the hiring of a full time Project Manager for the Maintenance Department.

  • Approved an unpaid personal Leave of Absence for the new Project Manager for a prearranged vacation scheduled prior to hiring.

  • Approved a change in a job posting for the Department on Aging. The posting was changed from 1 position to 2 positions for a full-time Recreational and Educational Assistant.

Financial Report

Mr. Gorton received approval for the following:

  • Supplemental Appropriations - Increases for additional maintenance repairs for a total of $1,465,000.00, including:

    • Ground services for parking lot repairs

    • Building maintenance for HVAC, roof repair, and elevator contracts

    • Equipment repair and jail building maintenance for replacement of glass doors at the safety center

    • Professional services (no other details were provided)

    • Building and Improvements for West Geauga Senior Center chiller unit, Annex generator, Annex bathroom, sidewalk (no other details were provided), Auditor’s office remodel, Board of Elections concrete pad, barn roof engineering, and Department of Emergency Services generator.

  • Cash transfer from General Fund to Community Development for 1st Quarter 2024 payroll funding and 2nd Quarter 2024 operational commitment

  • Cash transfer from General fund to Metzenbaum and Board of Elections for 1st Quarter 2024 interest transfer

  • Encumbrance from Commissioners’ Office to Corsa (County Risk Sharing Authority) for the 2024 property and liability insurance premium. This was an increase of $68,404.00 from last year.

  • Travel requests from Engineer’s Office

  • Then and Now from Water Resources to the Village of Chagrin Falls for wastewater treatment plant expenses for December 2023.

  • Vouchers:

    • $58,650.00 from the Engineer’s Office to Southeastern Equipment for a tilt and rotate  and new buckets for an excavator.

    • $31,285.00 from Maintenance to Preston Chevrolet for a used 2022 replacement pickup truck.

    • $29,207.00 from Maintenance to Montrose Ford for a 2024 Escape replacement vehicle.

Mr. Lennon inquired about the increases to the supplemental appropriations submitted. Mr. Gorton stated that they are putting money in accounts so when they are encumbered, the money is in place. Mr. Lennon asked if these items were in the budget. Mr. Gorton said they were not included in the 2024 budget, but there are unappropriated funds in the Building and Improvement fund for these projects. He also assured them that this is just to put the funds in place and the Commissioners will have an opportunity to approve (or not) any project going forward. This will allow the Maintenance Department to move forward with the initial steps for the projects.

The Auditor’s Office
requested the Commissioners accept, execute, and file the monthly Statement of County Finances filed by the County Auditor for the months January through March 2024, pursuant to O.R.C. 319.35.

The Treasurer’s Office
requested the Board accept, execute, and file the monthly Statement of County Finances filed by the County Treasurer for the months January through March 2024, pursuant to O.R.C. 319.35.

Mr. Gorton presented the financials from both the Auditor’s Office and the Treasurer’s Office and stated that they were presented to him by these offices in a more timely manner than in the past.

The Airport Authority
requested the Commissioners acknowledge and accept the Project Closeout Report for FAA Project #3-39-0054-026-2022, Land Acquisition for the Hodgins property.

The County Engineer’s Office
received approval for the following:

  • To execute the Unit Price Contract with Ronyak Paving, Inc., for the Asphalt Resurfacing of Wilson Mills Road (CH-0008, Sections D-F) in Chester Township in the amount of $645,645.00.

  • To execute Resolution #24-064 to Order the Asphalt Resurfacing of Various Roads including Ravenwood Drive (CH-0604, Sections A-B) and Merritt Road (CH-0605, Section A) in Claridon and Munson Township

  • To execute the Title Sheet of the Specifications for the same.

Further, this resolution sets a Bid Opening on Friday, May 10, 2024, at 10:05 a.m. at the Engineer’s Office using Bid Express. This Bid Opening will be advertised on April 25, 2024, on the County website.

The Soil and Water Conservation District
received approval to execute Resolution #24-065 to the extent permitted by law authorizing participation in Ohio Local Agricultural Easement Purchase Program (LAEPP) in support of the application from John Alvin and Mary Lou Hope for a 129-acre farm in Thompson Township.

Geauga Transit
will provide information for discussion on the Geauga Propane and Fueling Infrastructure Plan. They will be phasing out diesel and as vehicles are replaced, will replace them with propane if possible, as it saves about 35%. They have received a grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation to help with the infrastructure needed to have a propane fueling site. Plans were provided to the Board. A resolution will be presented next week.

Geauga Transi
t provided an update on the Ohio Department of Transportation SFY2024 Workforce Mobility Partnership (OWMP) Program Award.  This grant  will allow for the hiring of drivers for three shifts to transport  workers to and from factories in addition to transporting Amish to their work site.

The Department on Aging
received approval to execute the SFY2024 Alzheimer’s Respite Grant Agreement between the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging and the Geauga County Department on Aging. This is for Geauga Seniors Age 60 and over and modifies certain provisions of the agreement for Outreach and Care Consultation; all other terms and conditions of the agreement will remain the same.

The Department of Community and Economic Development
received approval to execute the Amended and Restated Promissory Note and further authorize the President of the Board to execute the Security Agreement for a company reorganization relating to the June 26, 2018 Revolving Loan Fund Loan for Great Lakes Growers, LLC, and Broadview Avenue, LLC, to incorporate Great Lakes Growers Realty Holdings, LLC.

The Department of Water Resources
received approval to execute Contract Maintenance Form #1, increasing the Engineering Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for engineering services for the Aquilla Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project in the amount of $10,000.00.

The Commissioners’ Office
received approval to execute the agreement with the Geauga County Maple Festival Board to use the southern end of the 100 Short Court parcel owned by the Board of Commissioners for food, festival vendors, and festival attendees during the Maple Festival event scheduled for April 21-29, 2024.

Items not on agenda:

  • Mr. Dvorak requested and received approval to renew Sherriff Scott Hildenbrand as a representative to the Northern Ohio Governance Board for a two-year term.

  • The Board approved the hiring of TDA Architectural firm for the new senior center at the former Dollar General location in Chardon. Strollo Architects were the second choice. Mr. Lennon asked for the opinion of Ms. Boalt. She thought that TDA was very responsive and timely with her requests and that their presentation was very organized. Mr. Spidalieri thought that TDA understood the scope of the project better and they had conceptual renderings for an expansion if that were to happen in the future. The cost of architectural services is usually a percentage of the actual project.

  • Ms. Burhenne presented and received approval for:

    • To have ADP move forward on the installation of a TV in the lobby of the building. The TV would scroll through the current calendar, job postings, etc. This was in the original plans and the necessary TV and software are already purchased.

    • To have ADP record a training session. They will be having training on AV equipment on May 8, 2024, and would like to have a recording for future use.

  • The Board received approval to set up a work session with ADP. This will take place after the Commissioners’ meeting on April 30, 2024 and will address the needs of ADP as they look for a space for the department. 

  • Mr. Lennon asked if the Commissioners’ Office had heard back from the State concerning the Board of Developmental Disabilities tax situation. Ms. Berhenne said they have not.

  • Mr. Spidalieri inquired as to the contract with Dollar General. Mr. Morgan stated that attorneys have come to an agreement and will hopefully have a finished agreement early next week. This was handled by outside counsel.

  • Mr. Spidalieri asked if they were waiting on answers from any requests that they have made to the Auditor’s Office or the Prosecutor’s Office. Mr. Morgan answered that they are still waiting on an opinion from the Prosecutor’s  Office. This was originally a request to the Attorney General, but the Prosecutor said that he would give his opinion. Mr. Spidalieri asked Mr. Morgan to write another letter to the Prosecutor. Reviewer Note: The matter in question was not specifically named, but it is likely the opinion the BOCC requested from the Prosecutor regarding whether the Geauga Public Health District is a Combined Health District or a General Health District. More information about this is available in the January 23, 2024 BOCC Observer Report.

  • Mr. Lennon brought up the opioid settlement money in the amount of $300,000.00 and asked what is being done with the money. Mr. Morgan stated that there is more money coming to the County from other settlements, with the total amount being approximately $1,000,000.00.  Ideas for using these funds included law enforcement, DARE program, drug prevention, and Lake Geauga Recovery.  Mr. Lennon talked of the added stress on the Sheriff’s Department and said that they will need to talk with the Sheriff regarding uses of the money. They agreed to continue the discussion at future meetings.

  • Approval was given to designate Mr. Morgan to attend the Public Records Training as the Board representative.

Public Comment: Solicited, but none offered

Meeting adjourned.

More Information and Posted Minutes:
Available here.

Next Regular Meeting of the BOCC:
Reviewer Note: At the time of this April 23 Meeting, the next

meeting was scheduled for April 30, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Geauga County Administration Building,

12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH. There will be a separate report on that meeting. The next meeting following April 30 will be May 7, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH.

Observer: Mary Heintzelman

Editor/Reviewer: Anne Ondrey 

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 5/2/24

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga